Shanesha Scott
Best-selling Author

About the Author
Shanesha Scott
Shanesha Scott is a best-selling Author that has had a love for writing and reading since her childhood. At an early age, Shanesha had an active imagination and would spend hours writing stories. She made her love of writing become a reality in 2021 with the release of her first book "When I Got Sick: A Story of Tragedy & Triumph." Shanesha is excited about the release of her new book "Birthing the Leader Within You- Your Guide to Becoming an Effective Leader, “which is a leadership book that provides effective leadership strategies for leaders and aspiring leaders. In 2024, she released her 3rd best-selling title, "Birthing the Integrity Within You: Corporate America Edition," after noticing a decline in ethical behavior in corporate America. Shanesha is an industrial and organizational psychologist passionate about helping people and being a voice of reason. In her free time, she enjoys running her clothing boutique, Fad Fashions, and spending time with her family, and watching movies from the '80s and '90s when she is not in writing mode.

Birthing the Integrity Within You: Corporate America Edition
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